Tomato Basil Zucchini Noodles

tomato basil zucchini noodles.png

This summer combination is so natural—the tomato, basil and zucchini…they all come in season at the same time and taste so good together!


1 or 2 zucchinis, transformed into ‘noodles’ with a potato peeler or other fancy gadget

1 large tomato or 2 small ones, sliced

a large handful of basil, with leaves removed from the stem

2 or 3 cloves garlic, sliced

olive oil

pasta of your choice (optional, you could keep it super light and just use the zucchini noodles…I personally, like to mix them with spaghetti for a more substantial meal)

salt and pepper to taste


1. If you’re planning to mix in pasta, start the water for the pasta first (follow instructions on the package) and it will probably be boiling and ready for the pasta by the time you finish prepping the veggies.

2. Prep the veggies (grate zucchini with potato peeler, slice up the tomato and garlic, remove the leaves from the basil stem).

3. In a small pan, saute the garlic in olive oil for a minute (or less!), then add the tomato and saute another minute or two. Add salt and pepper.

Remove from heat and toss with the zucchini noodles and pasta.